Author Archives: amir flame

About amir flame


another Wednesday reminder


It’s pretty cool when life hands you some lemons which hardly have any juice in them, rendering them useless for making lemonade, and you will just carry those lemons in hopes of ever getting to sell them.

Makes no sense, does it?

I know.

Now when you look forward and work in order to change what has become your destiny, wherein you’re going to fall several times over before reaching someplace good, you give up some of the benefits life has offered you and strive towards attaining a change of pace.

This ideology has been the beacon, for a while now, and yes, more power to the universe, for it has to face a formidable force such as meself.

Let’s follow along to see what’s in the store for the rest of me life.

Gracias, adiós.


just wednesday


All good things are hard to keep up with, like meself, trying and failing miserably at keeping this blog afloat.

I have left out the part where I did wishful thinking and hoped that I would do pretty much all that I would plan to do the following week, and despite dearest life’s countless gifts, I would get some things done and while harbour another load of tasks and things to do for the coming week, which I would fail to do yet again miserably. My point being, you do not know what you will be served on the next day, heck, next minute, and all your plannings would go down the drain because none of your plannings had unforeseen expenditure of time towards things that are uncalled for and yet, impossible to ignore.

Yes, it is agreeable that no procrastinator has ever been successful enough to the point where he can say that his procrastination is what brought him this success. No one does that, because it doesn’t bring anything but disappointment.

So yeah, unforeseen tasks are real, and they cannot be ignored. Regardless of what your careful planning had thought of.

I know, I shouldn’t be starting me day with such a “cheerful” thought, but hey, I have done some of the work that I had planned out for today, so I get one pass.

Nevertheless, happy Wednesday!



what do I need right now?

what is it that I’m in shortage of?

does it work the same everything else goes on?

is it the most important part of any commitment?

or is it not?

what are its sources?

and how is it channeled throughout?

does it make things easier?

who knows?

do you know?

what is it that I lack?

~amirflame ?

Wishful Wednesday #9

Hey everyone! Really sorry about last week, but in my defence I was so swamped and exhausted (still am) at the same time, that I couldn’t even think of a better excuse for not showing up here.

Past two weeks were the busiest, and believe me when I say this, I couldn’t find time for my reading among other things such as working out, and pretty much every productive thing that I do.


Well, first off I was busy with a wedding of a close friend, that should pretty much sum it all up,

But still, I have a very important interview scheduled for this coming week and yet I am not a tad bit nervous, tbh I am feeling nervous for why I’m not nervous about the interview.

Apart from some family emergency, I pretty much survived these past two weeks and for that I thank myself for believing in me for making it all the way through.

More on that, some other time.

Till then, take care and don’t procrastinate like I do.



Wishful Wednesday #8

Hey. Welcome back.

Sorry for being not very energetic with my words, but I’ve been feeling somewhat tired lately.

Maybe it’s the work thing, nevertheless, about last week;

I finished reading Ikigai, and about that I can safely say that it was one of a kind book. It teaches you to find your Ikigai if you haven’t already found it and pursue it and you would be happy, more or less.

After that, I’ve started reading *drumroll* “The Subtle Art of not giving a f*” by Mark Manson, and made my way through the first quarter of the book and again, it is one of a kind of a book. I’ll see how it proceeds and let you guys know all about it.

Other than that, I have been keeping busy writing some academic stuff and some other work I am involved in. Maybe that’s the reason why I have been feeling somewhat tired.

Life in general has been extremely monotonous and I for one need some change.


Can’t say you can get something just by asking, you gotta put in effort, so I plan to make or do something different,

Wish me luck.

muchas gracias, adiós.


Wishful Wednesday #7

Hey everyone, I don’t often know what to say or write on occasions and nowadays these occasions have become more frequent.

I have been doing some preliminary research work, although interesting and full of things to learn, it drains all your energy at times and leaves you with not enough energy to withstand the daily chores. It has started to get to me, you see, due to long and exhaustive hours on and off the field, I have begun to forget about some of the tiny yet important tasks, and no matter how hard I try to keep track of every little task that is important to me and my functioning, I tend to forget.

Nevertheless, I started reading Ikigai book this week, it feels interesting and I’ll know more once I finish it.

My health has been under the weather, I hope to recover soon enough and get back to my usual routine.

Let’s see what happens. Adiós.


Wishful Wednesday #6

Hey there.

This week was weirdly boring at times, while full of meaningful information on several occasions.

This week I…

finished The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. Took me long enough,

visited yet another pond and sighted 43 bird species precisely, which I recorded and reported to eBird (this is my new hobby, and I can safely say that I love birdwatching, just can’t get enough of it.),

wrote a little,

worked a little less,

tried to live a little,

and hoped for the best,

because I just could never be prepared enough for the worst.


Take Care.


Wishful Wednesday #5


This past week wasn’t as productive as past few weeks.

Read something.

Wrote a bit more.

Worked a lot.

Learned some things.

Realised some things better.

Prepared for something new.

Missed the same person even more.

Stayed alive.



Wishful Wednesday #4

Hello! How is everything?

This is yet another entry when I am typing in order to record my past week’s performance in terms of pretty much everything that matters.

After finishing Happy Sexy Millionaire, I have started reading “The 4-Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferris. And I have to say, that this book is a masterpiece, no doubt about it. Although I’m one-third into the book, but the relevance it has with the reality and practicality of life is amazing. I hope to read more of it and will share more details once I finish it, hopefully next week.

The friend’s wedding program went smoothly with so much fun. Everything about those days was amazing and nostalgic, where friends of over 9 years reunited and turned the world upside down, in their own odd ways. Amazing experience it was.

About one part, which is pretty much constant, regardless of how many hours I keep myself busy, the lingering, nostalgic and excruciatingly draining feeling always creeps in. Can’t help it, no matter what.

With so many thoughts in the head, and too little words at my disposal to express my overview of the week, it was good, but not whole. I suppose no week is going to be whole. Nevertheless, take care.


Wishful Wednesday #3

Hey there, everyone! How is everything? I hope you’re all good.

This week has provided me with a very diverse range of experiences, so here I’ll start with discussing the major ones.

First, this week I finished reading “Happy Sexy Millionaire by Steven Bartlett”, and to review this insanely informative and moving book with a keen biographical edge, I’ll have to say it was a good read and I learned some valuable lessons about how to develop and manage my skillset, about value of hard work and humility. I highly recommend this book for a quick read.

Second, the Jodhpur visit was a successful one indeed, having visited a bit of the city in the short period of time I was given, it was a memorable one, all things considered.

Third, preparing for and being part of a friend’s wedding next week, one of the best nights I had. About best nights, for some reason this week had an abundance of those.

Fourth, the field visit to Jorbeer was an exhilarating experience, witnessing those majestically beautiful creatures was an other worldly experience. Thankfully, I have been blessed to work in wilderness as a research scholar, surrounded with the natural beauty in its totality and serenity.

Overall, it was a fun week, with tones of music, love, appreciation and clarity. Looking forward to more of this kind of weeks. Until then, Ciao.
